Carole Morse

Carole Morse

President, Portland Opera Board; Past President, PGE Foundation


Describe your role with Portland Opera and in the community

I am currently the President of the Board of Directors for Portland Opera. Prior to my retirement, I served as President of the PGE Foundation.

My first term on the board of Portland Opera was in 2008. So much has happened since that time! Lately, I have been involved with developing the new strategic plan, fundraising, friendraising and promoting the operas and  programs that focus on our vision of "celebrating the power of performance, storytelling and song as an inclusive artistic leader."

What is your favorite Portland Opera memory?

There are so many meaningful, moving memories of my time with Portland Opera—from the excitement of grand operas that are beautifully staged, to various scales of newer operas that share contemporary stories and heroes for today—in every case, I am transported to different cultures, points of view, and times through the brilliance of the music and human voices that we celebrate. 

What would you like our audience to know?
It was opera lovers who urged me to attend Portland Opera.  I was convinced I didn't like opera, but after one performance I became a huge fan eventually leading to my appointment to the board and chairing two opera gala events.  That's what I would like potential audiences to know: don't assume, as I did, that you won't like opera. Give it a chance and watch your heart soar! 

I'd also like to let our patrons know how grateful we are for your support. Your ticket purchase, your donation, your volunteerism, and your advocacy mean a great deal to this company: thank you. 

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